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DENTAL-JOURNALKarbamid peroksida sebagai bahan pemutih gigi intrakorona | Endo Restorasi Dental JournalpH Test Of Apple Cider Vinegar In Inhibiting The Growth Of Candida albicans | Oral Medicine Dental JournalSurface hardness of conventional glass io…
drgid | 12-05 | view : 16245 | 11years ago
OTHERS super line + tissue punch (1)
super line + tissue punch
drgid | 11-16 | view : 15195 | 11years ago
OTHERS Cara Ampuh Mengatasi Sakit Gigi
Cara Ampuh Mengatasi Sakit GigiCara mudah mengatasi sakit gigi mungkin adalah artikel yang benar benar sedang anda cari untuk mengobati sakit gigi yang sedang anda derita sehingga anda benar benar membutuhkancara ampuh untuk menghilang…
drgid | 09-12 | view : 15286 | 11years ago
INTERNATIONAL Why Are The Primary Teeth Important?
General TopicsWhy Are The Primary Teeth Important?It is very important to maintain the health of the primary teeth. Neglected cavities can and frequently do lead to problems which affect developing permanent teeth. Primary teeth, or baby teeth are im…
drgid | 09-01 | view : 19749 | 11years ago
OTHERS What Is An Implant?
What Is An Implant?Three types of endosseous implantsThe term implant refers to a medical device that replaces a missing body part. Implants, as the name implies, are placed or implanted inside the body and function much like the missing bo…
drgid | 09-01 | view : 14046 | 11years ago
OTHERS Wisdom Teeth and Tooth Extraction
Wisdom Teeth and Tooth ExtractionThird Molar Extraction(Full Bony Impaction)Third Molar Extraction(Partial Bony Impaction)Third Molar Extraction(Soft Tissue Impaction) Dental ImplantsAnterior ImplantPosterior ImplantTotal Arch Restoration O…
drgid | 09-01 | view : 14915 | 11years ago
Style DentalDentistryProfileDoctorsSpecialtyLocationReviewsBefore&AfterPrice ChartSpecialtySubmit your inquiryBased on extensive clinical expertise, Style Dental provides specialized medical care on following procedures:#1 : All Ceramic Crown &am…
drgid | 08-31 | view : 15633 | 11years ago
NATIONAL Pengalaman Anda dengan Gigi Palsu Baru
Pengalaman Anda dengan Gigi Palsu Barudrg. Henny SusantyPenampilan dengan gigi palsu yang baru pada awalnya anda belum terbiasa tetapi secara berangsur-angsur menjadi lebih alami dan anda akan mulai terbiasa. Saat pertama kali memakai gigi …
drgid | 08-31 | view : 19620 | 11years ago
NATIONAL Dental jurnar, Unair
The effect of hyperbaric oxygen in increasing the amount of osteoblast cells on remodeling process during tooth movement on male adult Cavia cobayaBackground: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is a treatment method by using pure oxygen.Purpose: To …
drgid | 08-25 | view : 12379 | 11years ago
FRACTUR TONJOL GIGIby drg. Anastasia Elsa P, SpKGApakah Anda mengalami sakit tajam saat mengunyah, sensitive terhadap perubahan suhu, terutama dingin,  sakit tersebut tidak berat ataupun spontan dan hanya terjadi bila ada stimulus?Maka ada …
sony | 08-31 | view : 6365 | 11years ago
NATIONAL Dental jurnar, Unair
The effect of hyperbaric oxygen in increasing the amount of osteoblast cells on remodeling process during tooth movement on male adult Cavia cobayaBackground: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is a treatment method by using pure oxygen.Purpose: To …
drgid | 08-25 | view : 12379 | 11years ago
KOMPLIKASI POST ODONTEKTOMI GIGI MOLAR KETIGA RAHANG BAWAH IMPAKSISelasa, 23 Maret 2010, 14:11Background: Lower third molar teeth had interference in eruption frequently like impaction. Odontectomy often causes pain, trismus and swelling. Purpose: Th…
drgid | 08-14 | view : 6461 | 11years ago
membraine + Bonegraft + Implant
sony | 08-14 | view : 3402 | 11years ago
Inhibition of probiotics drink toward Aggregatibacters actinomycetemcomitans
Background: Traditionally, probiotics have been associated with gut health and are being mainly utilized forprevention or treatment of gastrointestinal infection and disease. Nowadays sev eral studies have suggested the use ofprobiotics for oral heal…
drgid | 08-10 | view : 2362 | 11years ago
Manufacturing of refractory model for metal frame denture
Background: Refractory model must be as same as the master model,  to produce an accurate metal frame denture. Purpose: The aim of this study was to expect the dental technician to understand how to properly manufacture …
drgid | 08-10 | view : 2776 | 11years ago

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